(Note: This order form page is currently being updated to a SECURED order form. Please call us at 513-779-2447 to place your order.)

Buckeye Performance Order Form

1st Generation Yamaha Venture Parts
Quantity Product Part# Price Each
'83-'85 Braided Stainless Steel Brake Line w/Hyd. Anti-dive +Link system bleeder, Clear BP426-426-983C $396.00
'83-'85 Braided Stainless Steel Brake Line w/Hyd. Anti-dive +Link system bleeder, Black BP426-426-983B $396.00
'83-'85 Venture and Royale Brake Pad Set All Positions CL-2283-A3 $35.50
'86-'93 Braided Stainless Steel Brake Line, Clear BP426-426-986C $294.00
'86-'93 Braided Stainless Steel Brake Line, Black BP426-426-986B $294.00
'86-'93 Venture and Royale Brake Pad Set All Positions CL-2305-A3 $35.50
1st Gen. Higher Output Stator  BP426-HO-REW1SGEN $268.00
1st Gen./V max Solid Engine Mounts BP426-426-554 $168.00
Replacement Covered Fuse Block BP426-046-081 $22.00
2nd Generation Yamaha Venture Parts
'99-'12 Braided Stainless Steel Brake Lines, Clear BP426-426-999C $268.00
'99-'12 Braided Stainless Steel Brake Lines, Black BP426-426-999B $268.00
'99-'12 Yamaha Royal Star Venture Brake Pads - Front CL-2391-A3 $35.50
'99-'12 Yamaha Royal Star Venture Brake Pads - Rear CL-2305-A3 $35.50
2nd Gen. Air Horn kit by Rivco RVC-AHRSV $220.00
Flanders Handle Bar call us at  513-779-2447
2nd Gen. Higher Output Stator BP426-426-HOSTAT $274.00
Spray Cleaner and Polish Spray Cleaner $5.00
Honda Goldwing Parts
Goldwing Helmet Lock (1 pair) SB-AMA 2009 $24.95
Goldwing '01-'05 Brake Pad Set All Positions CL-2602-A3 $35.50
Safety Seal Tubeless Tire Plug Kit with installer SSL-504-KATVC $18.95
Safety Seal refill card of 6 plugs SSL-504-SSRAF $3.95
Solid Core 7MM Ignition wires BP426-426-011141 $14.00
6 circuit fuse block BP426-046-050 $18.00
NGK Resistor Spark Plug Covers, Straight BP426-440-022 $3.85
NGK Resistor Spark Plug Covers, 102 degree elbow BP426-440-052 $3.85
NGK Resistor Spark Plug Covers, 120 degree long elbow BP426-440-072 $3.85
Carbone Lorraine Brake Pads A3 + Road, Medium or powerful bikes. Various makes, models and compounds available. call us at  513-779-2447

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Shipping*: Shipping is based on actual weight and will be charged accordingly. (Avg. shipping cost is $10-$14.) Call or e-mail for actual dollar amount.

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If you still wish to talk to us in person our phone number is (513)779-2447.

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(Note: This order form page is currently being updated to a SECURED order form. Please call us at 513-779-2447 to place your order.)

You may print and mail, fax or call your order in to:
Buckeye Performance
7578 Christine Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45241
Fax 513-779-2515

513-779-2615 fax
[email protected]

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