1st Generation Yamaha Venture
Braided Stainless Steel Brake Line and link system bleeder assembly

We have these sets for '83 thru '93 Yamaha Ventures. And many other bikes. These lines are DOT approved and they are made to order.

The lines for your Venture are a complete set for the brake and clutch lines. The latest set even includes the bleeder line just like the OEM set up near the steering head for the link system on the 1St. Gen. (This is where the only modification has to be made this only applies to the 86-93 models.) (Plus, no other company offers this bleeder in the stock location.) The bracket near the steering head that holds the bleeder line end connection. The hole in the bracket is a little to small for the new bleeder. All you have to do is use a die grinder, dremal or a round file and working on the lower half of the bracket make it a little bigger to fit the new bleeder nipple assembly. It is not hard to do just take your time. The rest are just bolt on fit. These are Custom fit to your Venture they are not a generic fit all set. Come in a clear or black plastic coating.

A note to 83-85 Venture owners we have also added the link system bleeder to that system also. Even though there is no bracket for the bleeder nibble it can be tucked under the false tank lid and used when servicing the linked brake system.

The complete set of lines:
Part# BP426-426-983C '83-'85 Hyd.Anti-dive+Link system bleeder, Clear $396.00
Part# BP426-426-983B '83-'85 Hyd.Anti-dive+Link system bleeder, Black $396.00
Part# BP426-426-986C '86-'93 Clear $294.00
Part# BP426-426-986B '86-'93 Black $294.00

If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

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